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You are viewing Cheat Codes for One Piece Grand Battle 2 System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-07-02 13:38:34 Views : 32784 Event Battle Statistics: Complete all of the characters' attacks in training mode. You can now view that person's statistics in event mode. Enter the "Character Biography" screen, then choose the third section and go to the second screen. The first number indicates the amount of times event mode has been completed by that person. The second number indicates the number of battles in event mode fought by that person. Play as Buggy: After Crocodile is unlocked, select event battle mode as Smoker. Then, defeat Buggy in the final battle. Play as Ka-ru: Select event battle mode as any character under the normal difficulty setting. Reach the fifth battle without using any continues to fight Ka-ru. Defeat Ka-ru to unlock him as a playable character. Play as Kreig: After Crocodile is unlocked, select event battle mode as Mr. 3. Then, defeat Kreig in the final battle. Play as Pandaman: After Crocodile is unlocked, select event battle mode as Mr. 2 Bon Clay. Then, defeat Pandaman in the final battle. Play as Shanks: After Crocodile, Alvida, Kreig, Kuro, Buggy, Arlong, and Pandaman are unlocked, select event battle mode as Luffy. Then, defeat Shanks at final battle. Play as Mihawk: After Alvida, Kreig, Kuro, Buggy, Arlong, and Pandaman are unlocked, select event battle mode as Zoro. Then, defeat Mihawk in the final battle. Alternate costumes: Successfully complete event battle mode with a character to unlock their alternate costume in event battle and versus battle modes. Press R1 + Circle; L1 + Circle; or L1 + R1 + Circle at the selection screen to choose a new costume. Note: Not all characters have alternate costumes. Play as Kuro: After Crocodile is unlocked, select event battle mode as Waporu. Then, defeat Kuro in the final battle. Play as Alvida: After Crocodile is unlocked, select event battle mode as Tashigi. Then, defeat Alvida in the final battle. Play as Arlong: Select event battle mode as Crocodile. Then, defeat Arlong in the final battle. Play as Ace: Unlock all other characters and use them to complete event battle mode more than ten times. Then select event battle mode again under the hardest difficulty setting. Play as Smoker and defeat Ace when he appears. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more One Piece Grand Battle 2 cheat codes.
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